
Use Halloween Masks Over Face Painting

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The festival of Halloween has roots in the old Christian world and the Celtic culture. The Celtic culture was spread across Europe and Asia Minor in the pre-Roman times. The people of that culture had this belief that the dead ancestors descend on Earth on this day and so do the evil spirits. The people would pay their tribute to the dead and pray to them to keep them safe from the evil. They would light bonfires and walk or dance around them wearing Halloween Masks in an effort to scare them away from their families and cattle. The Masks were meant to impart a mean and scary look to help ward off the dark forces. The nervous and self-effacing man finds the mask to be an article that helps him hide his inefficiencies and infuses in him momentary confidence to enable him to emerge stronger.

Halloween Masks have evolved over the years and today it has blended with the Halloween costume. Every Halloween that is hosted in any part of the world witness active participation by people across the cultures. People come ornately dressed in Halloween costumes as superheroes, villains, vampires and werewolves as per the stretch of their imagination. According to traditions, people on this day put on scary masks to resemble frightful characters such witches, monsters and demons. The idea is to scare off the evil spirits and keep them at bay. Kids and youngsters especially get fascinated with the thought of dressing up as Zombies. Also popular is the 'scream' mask portrayed in the movies of the Scream series.

Halloween masks provide an alternative to the Halloween face painting. Painting the face requires one to be very careful. A practiced hand is must if you wish to bring out good results. But since not every hand is god with brushes therefore, you can opt for masks as they are easy to wear and hassle free. But you should be very cautious while purchasing a mask. Since it will be in constant contact with your skin so make sure that the mask that you chose to wear is made of skin friendly material. Also do not be lured into buying cheap masks available in abundance. You should never fall for all those ads enticing you into buying masks made of sub-standard material. A healthy alternative to these masks is a paper mask so that you may enjoy your party and stay healthy.

Kelly Lane, regular contributor and writer to www.greenhornetkatocostumes.com, a website that specializes in fun and unique Green Hornet Costumes at incredible savings.


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