
Halloween Clown Masks

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Throughout history clowns have been the image of fun, to see them clown around at a circus, getting up to all kinds of mischief most people find them at least a little amusing. It's a long history too; they were in the pantomimes of Ancient Greece and probably existed well before then.

But take them out of the circus ring and it all changes...

They seem like they go through a disturbing transformation. Put them in more unusual, darker environments and bring them up closer and they lose their childish comical innocence.

"There is nothing funny about a clown in the moonlight" - actor Lon Chaney, Sr.

Thank you Lon, that kind of sums it up - but you cannot help wondering why on earth would say that in the first place.

Anyway, back to Halloween and some fun...

A Halloween clown mask is an ideal addition. The alternative would possibly be, to slap on the make-up yourself, however the mask has a number of advantages:

  • They will not get smudged or run at the site of water. Though possibly this could add a chance and unique image all by itself most of the time it isn't going to be pretty.

  • They are a cleaner alternative, not requiring heavy make-up removal at the end of the day. Saying that for some Masks, it is up to you to decide whether a mask that is showing smatterings of blood and gore over the face could be defined as clean...

  • They are really quick to prepare, no other facial preparation is needed.

  • There may be one disadvantage...

You maybe will want a brightly coloured costume to go with it, though the mask itself is probably surreal enough to look fascinating in a pin stripe suit.

OK - Maybe another disadvantage...

There is a chance that someone else may wear the same mask as you!

The more unusual or rarer the mask you find, the less chance of this ever happening, of course. But if you do find yourself akin to two women at a party in the same dress, you might consider the following.

  • Leave the Party! What? No, it's not that bad is it?

  • Clown Stand Off. Now is the chance to be the best and think of ways to look the scariest. You might find some cool killer clown like moves that make you stand out.

  • Join Forces. Clowns do like their own company, even if they are scary. Having two clowns acting similarly will certainly double the spookiness.

  • Confuse the Crowd. Maybe swap a few bits of the other person's costume and pretend to be them. A good time to find out what people really think of you?

So why not share or get some great ideas for a better Halloween this year from BetterHalloween.com and if the Halloween clown masks sounds like a great idea you'll find more information at Halloween Clown Masks

Come on in.... We won't Bite!...

Haha... HahaHaha... HAHAHAHa... ahem... Uh! Excuse me. Got carried away a bit there...
Anyway, like I was saying......


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