Halloween is one of those holidays where you get to be a kid no matter how old you are. It's the one day of the year where you can dress as stupid as you want and not have to worry about your neighbors looking at you like you came from Mars. So what do you do when it comes time to picking out a costume? After all, you want to stand out from the crowd. You don't want to be just another pretty or not so pretty face. Well, there are several ways you can go with picking out a costume.
One direction is to go with the standard tried and true costumes. Things like ghosts, witches, Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula and things like that. But in order to make your standard costume stand out from everybody else there is a little trick you can do that will really get attention. It's very simple and yet few people think of it. So you can thank the author of this article later for this suggestion.
Find a twist. Make it as crazy and as insane as you want. It doesn't matter. The more wild, the better. For example. On top of your ghost costume, wear a bolder hat. Maybe put a necktie around your neck. Glasses are also a great twist. The nearsighted ghost. That will really get a laugh. Maybe wear hip boots over the bottom of your sheet. You might even try painting a bulls-eye on the front of your sheet. And here's a great idea. Remember the ghost busters emblem from the movie? You can put one of those on the front of your sheet with a line going through it. Kind of like a no ghost busters zone. All of a sudden, with any one of these ideas, your standard, dull ghost costume is the hit of the party.
For those of you who want to go for the celeb costumes, there are plenty these days to choose from. The one thing you don't want to do is to choose a celebrity who is currently the hottest thing on the planet. Why? Simple. Everybody and their grandmother is going to be wearing that costume. No, you want to go with celebs that are still popular but not quite the hottest thing going. That way, when people see you in your costume they'll be able to recognize you and yet not be saying to themselves, "great, another Jessica Simpson".
Finally, the last option you've got is to be totally original. Do you remember the episode of The Honeymooners where Ralph made his man from space costume? He took a bunch of things from around the house and put them together to make a very original costume. You don't have to be quite that creative but you get the idea. Use your imagination. Remember, this is Halloween, so there is no such thing as right or wrong, just dull.
If you follow the above tips, you are bound to come up with something that you won't be ashamed to walk out of the house in.
Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Halloween
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