Ben 10 is a young boy in the Cartoon Network animated series who became the guardian of a watch-like alien artifact popularly known as Omnitrix. The Omnitrix stores ten alien life forms and Ben has the ability to transform into all of them. If your kids are ready to take the responsibility of a superhero, transform them into any of the Ben 10 Costumes collections available that they will surely love.
Dress up as Ben in his original form in a pair of army green cargo pants, white shirt with logo and black trim and stripe down the middle, and a replica of the Omnitrix device. This is perfect for costume party or even just for play.
Transform your kid into the first alien species that Ben used in Ben 10 Swampfire costume. The outfit is composed of forest green printed jumpsuit showing the humanoid body type with plant-like appearance, attached plush flame-patterned head, and a fiery character mask. Your kids will surely be inspired in this Ben 10 Costumes collection.
Another transformation that Ben introduced was the Ben 10 Spider Monkey. This is one of the best selections for kids that includes a blue jumpsuit with striped tail, extra set of spider arms which are connected to the sleeves, and a character mask. Enjoy your ability of spinning webs while wearing this arachnid-chimp costume this coming Halloween events.
Your costume will be a big hit when you wear the Ben 10 Heatblast costume. Be Ben's most fiery alien ally in the outfit that includes a maroon and yellow jumpsuit, mask with plastic flames rising off, pairs of gloves and shoe covers.
Scroll up the other collections of "Halloween Costume Ideas 2010" and find great selections of more Ben 10 Costumes craze today. Your kids will undoubtedly love to try how it feels to be the television series hero for a night!
Discover the best Halloween Costume Ideas 2010. The Ben 10 Costume is available for adults and kids alike. Find your favorite Halloween costume now!
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