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The Zanni family, of Masquerade Masks, originated in Venice in the fifteenth century with the Italian Comedy - The Commedia Dell' Arte. The word originates from the Venetian, Giovanni (John) and is a diminutive of it. Zanni is also sometimes known as Zan, Zane, Zanne, Zany, or Zani, and is where the English term 'zany' comes from. Meaning: a clown, an awkward simpleton, a buffoon or a person who is a, stupid incompetent fool.
The class of the Zanni family of Masquerade Masks depicts the buffoon, always from the lower class, the peasant, a migrant worker, holding positions of servants, valets, slaves, porters, odd-job person, hawkers, rogues etc. Zanni refers to the class of mask, as well as to an individual character. In The Commedia Dell' Arte, Zanni was an important character type, representing a social class.
The name and its class were inspired by the Bergamo peasants who finding that they were facing a famine and unable to sustain a living in the countryside due to heavy cheaper imports from Greece and other countries after the Venetians conquered their province in 1428, where forced off their farms to find work in the towns of northern Italy including Venice. Giovanni was a common name for the men of this area. They migrated into the towns offering themselves as servants, gofers, porters etc, selling what they could bring with them from the country. They were known for their nimbleness, agility, sturdiness, crudeness as well as their course and fantastic speech, which became heavily mimicked by the Zanni of The Commedia Dell' Arte. The family Zanni includes the characters of the Harlequin, Brighelle, Francatrippa, Pedrolino, Arlecchino among its class, as named individual characters; however Zanni are also any unnamed character in a play.
The Zanni Mask was first a full-face mask, which developed into a half mask, covering the nose eyes and forehead. The nose on a Zanni Mask is important, as the nose delineates how stupid or simple the character is. The longer the nose of the Zanni, the more dullard the individual is.
The Zanni, portraying country folk are primarily dressed in sacking, and have a stance of one used to carrying heavy burdens, so they are usually hunched, with knees in a bowed position and feet splayed, in stark contracts to their betters the gentry, who display deportment. The Zanni, are an animated people, constantly moving their arms and hands as they communicate, displaying a coarse rough voice and language. The Zanni's body often times has a mind of its own, with different body parts making odd and animated movements; the less stupid shorter nosed Zanni break out into acrobatics and handstands. Zanni is well known for farting, burping & snoring with gusto. Coming from a famine, Zanni displays a deep unforgotten hunger of the body, constantly hungry, constantly searching for food appearing gluttonous. Zanni are known for their laziness and perchance for sleeping, which they will do at inappropriate times and in any place, including whilst standing. The Zanni are ignorant, rouges, but can be loyal. They can be seen with a slapstick, which they are more than happy to beat someone with, parcels, baggage, food, or other items belonging to another, in their roles as gofers, porters, servants etc.
The Zanni Mask, is a mask of many characters, always from the peasant class, portraying, the ignorant, silly, loutish fellow, who has been built with agility and ease of movement. The Zanni Mask can portray a porter, soldier, baker, farmer, a market hawker, the Harlequin and more. There is diversity to the occupation of the Zanni. When you slip on a Zanni Masquerade Mask, who will you be?
Hello my friends my name is Melanie Robson, I am an Author, Screenwriter and specialist in Masquerade Masks You can see my authentic handmade venetian Costume Masks on my site, just click the links.
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