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Halloween is a magical time for young and old alike. It is a time when it is okay to pretend to be someone else and scare the dickens out of friends and family. Help make sure your Halloween is safe for your toddler this year by following these 3 simple tips.
1. Get your friends together and organize a Halloween party for the kids. Or at the very least go to organized events with lots of kids. And then chaperone them and don't let them out of your site.
2. Never allow your tots to go door to door and get candy from strangers, even if you are the person taking them. Most people are good and honest. but it only takes one nut to ruin your child's life, and yours.
3. Keep costumes loose and comfortable. Masks that cover the face are okay for older kids but can be frightening to toddlers. You can easily find costumes for small children with mitts, shoe covers, bodysuit and open face hoods. They look adorable and your little bundle of joy will love wearing it.
Now imagine your precious little one dressed in a favorite costume. Happy and safe with people you know and trust. Playing games with other toddlers, running comfortably, laughing and giggling.
And when the night is over, taking that precious little child home. All tired out, happy, smiling while asleep, then tucked away in bed. You will be making memories and building traditions you can enjoy for generations to come. Not to mention all the photos you will be sharing with your family. You know, a parent never gets tired of hearing someone say, "oh look, how cute!" when sharing pictures of their children. Even 20 years later it is still heart warming.
I urge you to take these tips to heart. With a little fore thought and planning you can make this a safe and happy holiday.
You can find some suggestions for fun toddler Halloween costumes for your child at
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